Sunday, February 21, 2021

Selamat Datang ke Okirama ;

Okirama, a band from Johor has set a new mood for listeners with their songs such as Julai Tahun 1996, 0100 and Hatiku Hidup. The unique sound of 'keroncong' in Julai Tahun 1996 instantly capture my attention. I was randomly listening to a playlist in Spotify, and when the song played I was hooked! 

(Thank God for Spotify.)

At the beginning of the song, I thought that the band could be from Indonesia or Singapore because of the song vibe. However, after checking out their Instagram page I was kinda surprised to know that they were local band. It was a shame that I didn't discover them earlier, before the pandemic because being able to enjoy their performance live would be awesome.

My current favourite track would be Hatiku Hidup. What I really like about the song is that, it kind of unlocked a new feeling inside of me. I was feeling low for the past few weeks and at some point, I felt numb. Somehow good things do happen even when you are at your lowest. I felt like this song is validating all of my feelings. Haha.

If you would enjoy a new fresh lo-fi kind of vibe, you would love Okirama. All of their tracks available in Spotify can be enjoyed at anytime or wherever you are, "seperti waktu senja, ataupun tujuh pagi, musik ku ceria, ombak di malam hari,"

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